Travis Regional Armed Forces Committee (TRAFC)

TRAFC represents a collaborative partnership between the Fairfield-Suisun and Vacaville Chambers of Commerce.
Are you curious about the mission at Travis Air Force Base and hearing stories from those who serve our country? If you have answered "YES", then you must consider joining the Travis Regional Armed Forces Committee (TRAFC). Your Chamber membership with the Vacaville Chamber of Commerce or any established Solano County Chamber, allows you to join TRAFC. Further, if you are an active or retired military member, or a current or former Honorary Commander for Travis AFB, you may join TRAFC directly.
Travis Regional Armed Forces Committee is the local community organization that supports the men, women, and missions of Travis Air Force Base. Its membership is comprised of local business and civic leaders, including elected officials throughout Solano County, State, and Federal government. Its day-to-day administration is shared by the Fairfield-Suisun and Vacaville Chambers of Commerce. The committee is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors.
TRAFC members meet monthly with Travis AFB leaders to receive updates on base activities. As a TRAFC member, you will gain a deep understanding of the base's role in the Global Air Force mission, as well as local issues facing service members and ways you and your organization may help address these issues. As a business owner, membership in TRAFC also helps to elevate the visibility of your services to military members and their families.

TRAFC's Mission
To enhance, support, and inspire the Quality of Life of men, women, and families serving at Travis Air Force Base.

Annual Membership Dues
Consider joining the Travis Regional Armed Forces Committee today and support the men and women of Team Travis! Membership is available with annual dues of $150.
Call the Chamber at (707) 448-6424Â and sign-up today!